Content Marketing Voices You Need to Follow

Content Marketing Voices You Need to Follow

The content marketing field is dynamic and moving fast. For a business like yours to stay relevant and competitive, you need to stay up to date on what’s happening in the industry. One of the best ways to do this is by looking and listening to the top content...
5 Biggest Content Marketing Trends for 2019

5 Biggest Content Marketing Trends for 2019

Content marketing is now regarded as the most vital and powerful online marketing strategy. As a business owner or marketer, you need to constantly create, publish, and share content to promote your brand. But to make the most of your content creation and distribution...
Successful Sales Campaigns from B2B Brands

Successful Sales Campaigns from B2B Brands

It is every B2B brand’s goal to have a high-converting sales funnel. Each step of the process could be challenging, especially the bottom line, which is making a sale. According to statistics, most salespeople think that closing deals is the second most difficult part...
Infographic: Sales Pitfalls

Infographic: Sales Pitfalls

Happy Infographic Friday! This week, we highlighted the sales pitfalls B2B and B2C companies should avoid to stay competitive and to boost their sales and profits. Whether you own and run a B2B or a B2C, it’s essential for you to have a solid sales plan and process....
5 Sales Mistakes B2Cs Should Stop Doing

5 Sales Mistakes B2Cs Should Stop Doing

Sales is of utmost importance in the business-to-consumer (B2C) world. With consumer behavior constantly changing, B2Cs should have a solid sales plan and a strong sales team in order to win customers. However, even the most talented sales teams can possibly commit...