Navigate Through Your Brain with Mindmapping

In a previous post on Beating Writer’s Block, we briefly mentioned mindmapping as a way to get ideas out from our heads and onto paper. Today, we’ll revisit that topic and delve a bit deeper into mindmapping. Many of us take notes in a linear fashion. Lists and...

Finding Inspiration

No matter how much you love writing, or doing any type of creative work for that matter, it doesn’t always come easy. It’s inevitable – there will be times when your creative juices simply don’t flow. What do you do then? We have a few ideas....

Beating Writer’s Block

Writer’s block sucks. Whether you’re crafting a blog post, typing up an essay for school, preparing a report for work, drafting an email, or writing anything else, writer’s block sucks. Yes, it sucks so much it bears repeating. Writing about how much...