How the Remote Work Era Changed Businesses for the Better

How the Remote Work Era Changed Businesses for the Better


They say that remote work is here to stay. As more employees wish to work while at home, many employers are hesitant about the effectiveness of remote work. Remote work has been helpful in the prevention of spreading illnesses since the COVID-19 outbreak.


Yet now that companies have shifted to working remotely, employers are starting to see the value it brings to the business. Here are some of the ways it’s helping businesses in a positive light.

Enhances Worker Productivity

Some companies still believe in the old stigma that remote work leads to wasted time and a lack of productivity. However, research has proven that the opposite is true.


According to a study by Stanford, researchers found that working from home led to a performance increase by 13%, while 9% worked longer minutes each shift — and took fewer breaks and sick days.


Productivity increases because of remote work’s flexibility. It allows employees to set their own schedules and work during hours they feel most productive.


Additionally, working from home reduces distractions. In an office setting, co-workers are more likely to stop at each others’ desks and chat for a few minutes. This time wasted can be costly to businesses. Many folks found increased satisfaction in their home offices and what firstly looked like a low possibility to tie with their fellow teammates may actually be an opportunity since there are many virtual happy hour ideas that can increase team engagement and deepen their connection.


Meanwhile, employees can get more work done with fewer interruptions.

Increases Employee Retention

Replacing employees is costly for businesses. And these days, flexible work opportunities are more desirable than before the pandemic. By offering remote work, employees can have the satisfaction of working in a relaxed environment.


Since companies have started offering these opportunities, they’ve noticed a drastic reduction in their turnover rates.


Overall, remote work is contributing to healthier and happier employees. In addition, remote employees save money on child care, food, clothing, commuting and more. In some cases, businesses are pleased to cover the expense of home internet — making it even more joyful for employees to work from home.


Today, companies that don’t offer remote work are at a large disadvantage. Yet, they may also lose employees when looking for remote opportunities elsewhere.

Allows Companies to Hire Remote Teams Globally

Hiring an international team can be quite expensive. Employers must ensure their company complies with government laws, which takes years. Plus, hiring abroad can cost thousands of dollars for one employee alone.


Thanks to technological advances, more companies are open to hiring globally. Digital solutions make the process easier for businesses to hire anyone within a few clicks. By having an international team, companies can bring in people with different perspectives from various backgrounds.


This makes for a rich company culture and inspires more creativity in the workplace.

Improves Chances of Finding the Best Talent

When limiting work to a traditional office setting, businesses can only recruit those local to where the company is located. Most people aren’t open to relocating to start a new job, meaning your options are limited when finding the best talent.


Yet, businesses that offer remote work can hire the top workers, regardless of their location. Without location limitations, companies increase their chances of finding the best people to fill positions.


Plus, offering remote opportunities can attract more talented workers in the long run.

Reduces Operating Expenses

Since fewer employees are working in the office, this allows companies to use fewer office supplies and equipment. It even enables businesses to downsize their office.


Therefore, organizations don’t have as many overhead costs, such as leases, utilities, insurance, office furnishings, supplies, maintenance and repairs. These fees can add up quickly, but remote work reduces these operating costs.


In fact, businesses can save as much as $11,000 per employee in overhead expenses when they switch to remote work.

Giving Remote Work a Chance

Many companies still believe that employees will more than likely waste time while working from home. Yet, this can’t be further from the truth. Research has repeatedly proven that remote work enhances productivity, improves business efficiency and saves money.


Whether your company is looking to save on operational expenses, retain more employees or streamline the recruitment process and enhance productivity — consider giving remote work a try.





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Eleanor Hecks is editor-in-chief at Designerly Magazine. She was the creative director at a digital marketing agency before becoming a full-time freelance designer. Eleanor lives in Philly with her husband and pup, Bear.



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