The Dangers of Data Exposure and How to Protect Yourself

More and more companies nowadays, resort to digitalization not only because they want to expand their businesses, but because they want to enhance the overall customer experience, and, at the same time, provide their creative collaborators with numerous, efficient ways to offer data for streamlined solutions. 

This includes a variety of sensitive information, such as financial data, healthcare records, and many other confidential things. Unfortunately, all of this data is susceptible to data breaches and exposure

That’s exactly why it’s of huge importance to do whatever it takes to safeguard it. Luckily, there are various things that you can do to accomplish that, and today you’ll be provided with the most effective solutions.


Consider Implementing SaaS Security


What can be said about this software? Namely, it represents a cloud-based software delivery service model that enables you to access different apps without having them in-house. In a nutshell, you are not obligated to install this software on any device.

The only thing that you’re supposed to do is to have an internet connection, and that’s about it. Now, the question is, why is it so important to opt for SaaS security? Namely, it is here to prevent sensitive data exposure by setting some of the most efficient practices so that the company that stores the data in the cloud in place can safeguard sensitive information. Reliable SaaS providers are going to properly secure the platforms, different apps, networks, and the entire infrastructure.

Even though SaaS security is obligated to provide various security measures, it’s important to know that both the consumer and the service provider must comply with the SaaS security guidelines issued by the National Cyber Security Center.


Resort To Different Privacy-Enhancing Technology Alternatives


For better or for worse, today, you can come across a variety of different privacy-enhancing solutions that your company can benefit from. Even though it’s great that there are so many amazing options, to some of you this vast selection may be a bit overwhelming.

If you want to make sure that you’ve made the right choice when it comes to this, you should primarily concentrate on your business’s unique criteria for increasing data protection, and, concurrently, alleviating various risks.

Once you gather all the relevant information as far as this is concerned, you can start looking for solutions that will align with the needs of your firm, instead of focusing solely on the features that a particular tool offers.

There are a couple of data security types that are worth considering, that you’ll most likely run into during your research. They include the following:

  • Data tokenization 
  • Secure multiparty computing
  • Differential privacy
  • Homomorphic encryption

Although there’s no denying that all these advanced technologies are going to help you keep your data safe and private, you need to be aware of the fact that all of them come with certain risks and challenges, such as the need to:

  • Execute several transformations on data, which can oftentimes be too complicated and may increase the risk of losing data fidelity
  • Restructure a large amount of data with the latest tools
  • Add specialized hardware (which can be pretty pricey) to address major compute overhead that these technologies demand


Bring This Topic Up When Talking To Your Employees


As concluded in the beginning, data breaches can happen at any given moment. Sometimes accidentally, and at times, on purpose. In some instances, some of your workers can fall for a particular phishing scam without even realizing it.

That’s exactly why it’s essential to bring this topic up whenever you have a meeting concerning your company. It would be recommended to provide them with various strategies that are going to help them tackle these problems.

It would be even better if you implemented a cybersecurity training program that’s going to educate all your workforce on various online threats they may encounter. Furthermore, it’s of huge importance for companies of all kinds to invest both time and money in this type of training because only then all their team members will be able to recognize different forms of cyber-attacks and threats. In other words, education is an integral part of any effective data leakage prevention tactics.


Don’t Forget Data Encryption


Here’s another strategy that you can implement that’s going to serve as a perfect prevention against data exposure. So what does this involve? Namely, data encryption includes encoding data so that it can be read only by authorized parties by using the right decryption key.

All of this makes sure that even if a potential scammer accesses your data, they are not going to be able to read it. That’s exactly why so many firms worldwide rely on this omnipotent tool. 

It is crucial for safeguarding sensitive information, such as medical records, financial information, personal information, etc. Furthermore, there are three kinds of encryption, including hashing, symmetric encryption, and asymmetric encryption.

Symmetric encryption utilizes the same key for both decryption and encryption. On the flip side, asymmetric encryption employs a public key that’s intended for encryption, while the private key is used for decryption.

What about hashing? Namely, it includes developing an authentic digital fingerprint of data that you cannot reverse. If you want to make sure you pick the most suitable type of encryption for your organization’s needs and demands, then you need to get familiar with all three kinds of it.


Be Sure To Identify All Sensitive Data


If you want to take all your preventative measures to the next level and make sure your sensitive data is secured the right way, then you should consider using Data Loss Prevention methods.

Just bear in mind that before you implement this strategy, you first must identify, and, at the same time, prevent sensitive data exposure that’s supposed to be safeguarded. This data must be properly classified and in line with rigorous security rules and policies.

No matter how much some people try to deny it, the threat of data exposure is unfortunately very real and has become more and more common. That’s why it’s crucial to take all the necessary steps that are going to help you keep it safe.



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