Why Professionals are Choosing to Work from Home

Many companies consider flexible work options to be a perk rather than a growing necessity. However, for modern professionals, having flexibility has become a priority when looking for jobs. In fact, a survey found that job seekers considered working from home and freelancing as attractive options.

Research also suggests that employees who work from home can be more productive than their office-based counterparts. Amy Marshall, the chief operating officer at Fathom Columbus, said that businesses that allow their employees to work from home foster a best-of-both-worlds environment. Working at offices gives employees the opportunity to collaborate closely with their coworkers while working from home gives them their own space to focus and complete tasks.

Today, we’ll be looking at why professionals are increasingly choosing to work from home. Let’s take a look at each benefit one by one.

Working from home means more freedom.

Freedom doesn’t only refer to working hours although that is a major factor.

Professionals today prefer to be able to work at their own time and comfort. This arrangement also provides them the convenience of working without having their bosses overlooking their every move.

Working remotely gives them the freedom to do thing their way without the scrutiny. It provides flexibility on all fronts, making work much more liberating to do. In fact, 82% of workers said that they would be more loyal to their employers if they had flexible work hours.

Working from home means less expense.

Working from home benefits both employers and employees. For businesses, allowing your employees to work from home helps you save on overhead costs like office space and equipment. Similarly, workers can cut back on food expenses during office hours, commute fares, car fuel, and for working parents, daycare expenses for their children.

In addition, working from home also saves them the stress of commuting. 76% of professionals shared that they had a daily roundtrip of commute of over one hour. That time could be spent working on their deliverables!

Working from home means fewer distractions.

Perhaps one of the biggest perks of working from home is the decrease in distractions. Working at the office forces you to share your space with coworkers and your boss. Thus, you can be easily distracted by disruptive workers, unnecessary chats, and unimportant meetings. Working from home allows your employees to focus more on their work without interruptions!

Working from home means more productivity.

Did you know that 54% of workers consider their home to be their location of choice to tackle important job-related assignments? This is because working from home gives them control over their environment. Some of them have their own work space where they can concentrate on work. There are fewer chances of being interrupted by coworkers. Thus, professionals can perform better, focus more on their tasks, and be more productive!

Working from home means achieving a work-life balance.

Achieving a work-life balance is one of the main reasons why professionals turn to flexible work options. Working from home gives workers the satisfaction of having flexible work hours and their own work space. It also keeps them in close proximity to their families. Furthermore, it saves them from a lot of stress that comes with having to report to an office. Essentially, these factors help improve their focus and boost work-related productivity.

At the end of the day, professionals seek better and more flexible work options because the commuting and office environment saps their productivity and energy at home and at work. Businesses need to recognize that granting this to their employees can actually benefit both parties. Consider adopting a hybrid work arrangement such as the 50-50 split between working from home and working in the office. Remember, flexible work is not an all-or-nothing proposition!

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Check out the other parts of the Flexible Work Plan series:

Pepper Virtual Assistants is a business solutions firm that specializes in virtual administrative and personal assistance, online marketing, customer support, and copywriting. We are known for reliability through our managed services, responsive client handling backed by extensive training, and rockstar virtual assistants hired for their skills and expertise.




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