The Work-Life Balancing Act

Work-Life balance – the phrase was first heard in the late 1970s, describing the balance between an individual’s work and personal life.  Now, almost half a century has passed, and just when the world started believing that the conveniences of modern...

The Morning Rush

QUIT THE MORNING RUSH There was a time when my rush hour would start even before I hit the road – when all I had time for was a quick shower and two sips out of my coffee mug. For over a year, my mornings seemed like that of a tazmanian devil running in and out...

How to Manage Stress

Have you ever read a job post which says “must be able to handle stress or can cope up with stress” as one of the traitsbeing looked for? This only shows how society perceives stress. It has already become a part of our lives, a given, an inevitable that must be dealt...

Quarter Life Crisis

This is the time during your mid-twenties to late thirties when you feel as if you are still waiting for your life to unfold despite having finished school for years. When you were younger, you have set your personal goals, and now, you begin to question if you have...

How to Stop Wasting Time at Work

If only all of us know how to maximize the hours that we have in a day, we would all be rich—in accomplishments! Being able to produce more output in a day will not only entitle you to a possible promotion (if an office employee) or extra revenue (if working from home...

How to Jack Up Your Productivity

When you think about it, man’s constant desire for better, faster, more has never seemed to die down or change. Back when we all lived in caves, we invented the wheel to go places, carry heavier loads, basically do things faster, better, and more. Today, the “wheels”...