5 Ideal Jobs for People with Physical Disabilities

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No matter what type of physical disability you have, there are lots of employment opportunities for you. Using your strongest skills and abilities to your advantage can make all the difference. However, knowing where to start can be a challenge. With that in mind, here are five ideal jobs for people with physical disabilities.

Medical Administration

If you have a physical disability that means you’re unable to walk, you may want to consider working in a hospital department or medical office. Having employees who can understand what some of their patients may be going through is something that is highly valued by employers.


Another field you could go into is accounting. Overseeing financial matters as a bookkeeping or accounting specialist can not only provide you with useful soft skills and knowledge but also help keep your mind engaged, too. Additionally, you can work from your desk, and possibly do remote work too. This allows you to operate from the comfort of your own home.


As a teacher, your main aim is to share your knowledge and influence to others. If you have a physical disability, use it to inspire a new generation. No matter what subject you teach, you can help other students who may be in the same boat as you by just being yourself and showing that anything is possible despite having a disability.

Marketing and Market Research

If you are living with a disability, you may not realize the potential you have to provide useful insights to businesses and other organizations that have products, brands, and services targeted for people like you. The marketing industry requires you to get your thinking cap on to come up with new and innovative ideas. So having a first-hand account of what it’s like to have a physical disability can help when it comes to designing and manufacturing products for people in the same situation.

Freelance Writer

If you find it hard to get out the house with your physical disability, there are many work-from-home jobs you may be interested in such as freelance writing. Creating content for websites and blogs can be a great way to not only improve your grammar but also learn something new every day. There are lots of companies out there who want freelance writers. It’s just a matter of choosing the one that fits your writing style and interests.

Seeking Help

If you have had to stop work because of your physical disability such as cerebral palsy, you may want to consider making a negligence claim. If you feel you haven’t been treated correctly by a medical professional, the-medical-negligence-experts.co.uk may be able to help.

Having a physical disability shouldn’t stop you from being a productive person. While you may find it harder than able-bodied people to complete day-to-day tasks, having goals in place and achieving your dreams can make the world of difference. Whether you want to go into medical administration, accounting, marketing, or management, there are lots of avenues that you can excel in, regardless of the type of disability you have.


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