by Pepper Sugar | Oct 16, 2019 | Marketing
The holiday season is one of the most opportune times for businesses to reach a wider audience across all platforms. If millennials were the primary target of holiday ads and promos in the past few years, perhaps it’s best to shift the focus to Generation Z. This...
by Pepper Sugar | Oct 4, 2019 | Marketing
Creating effective holiday marketing campaigns can be challenging. Trends evolve and consumer demands and behaviors change. But you can always customize your online and offline marketing strategies to fit the current trends. Make them timely and relevant and suitable...
by Pepper Sugar | Sep 26, 2019 | Marketing
The holiday season is a great time for you to utilize innovative ways to reach and connect with your target market. How you approach them is key to the success of your holiday marketing campaign. This is especially critical if your brand caters to millennials. They...
by Pepper Sugar | Sep 18, 2019 | Marketing
It’s September already, and for a lot of countries, it means the holiday season has begun. This also means busier days ahead for businesses. This is why now’s a good time to get your holiday marketing plan ready! Make sure it includes ways to optimize digital...
by Pepper Sugar | Aug 23, 2019 | Marketing
In today’s competitive B2B world, it is essential for every company to have an email marketing plan. This strategy is considered the most effective for achieving various online marketing goals, including lead generation. In fact, 89% of today’s marketers utilize email...