Can AI Support Your Recruiting Efforts?

In today’s job market, it’s more important than ever for recruiters to find the right candidates. Yet, with thousands of people applying for one job, how do they know which to choose? While recruiters might use a resume or skills test to evaluate candidates, this method tends to be unreliable.


For one, it’s a time waster — sifting through hundreds of applicants can be quite a process. Secondly, the accuracy of these evaluations is questionable since they don’t fully portray what the candidates are capable of for the job.


However, AI (artificial intelligence) recruiting is changing that, and there are several reasons why you’ll want to use it in your recruitment process. Here’s a look at how it’s making improvements.

The Benefits of AI in Recruiting


AI can do everything from eliminating bias and saving time to improving the candidate experience. In fact, some of the world’s biggest companies are using AI in recruiting —and it’s not just tech giants like Google and Microsoft taking advantage of this technology.


Take Amazon, for example. The company uses AI to screen and hire applicants faster and more effectively than ever. It knows that the best way to get candidates in the door is with a clear message about what it’s looking for in an employee and why they should work at its company. Yet, what’s fascinating is that Amazon’s AI-driven recruiting technology is helping recruiters find the best candidates for job openings.


Overall, Amazon saves time finding the right candidates and getting down to business faster. Without AI software, research shows that 40% of recruiters spend time sorting through resumes and entering data into an ATS (applicant tracking system). Meanwhile, AI software frees up that time by enabling recruiters to engage with candidates and build relationships.


Another way that AI is improving the hiring process is by eliminating bias, which is a huge problem in hiring. By using job-relevant data, AI tools can screen candidates using a large volume of data based on skills and experience. Then, it can make decisions about which candidates qualify.


AI is increasing efficiency and saving companies money by automating the manual process of finding good candidates.


Once you understand how do recruiters get paid and how a computer can take over some of the work, it’s easy to see how AI can help them boost their productivity. Further, AI can help recruiters make better long-term strategic decisions by predicting which candidates will be most successful based on past hiring data and company performance metrics.


Applications of AI in Recruiting


We’ve already looked at how AI is automating the resume screening process. However, recruiters can find several other applications that are helping companies save time and increase the quality of their hiring process.

Chatbots for Candidate Engagement


Chatbots are a great way to use AI in recruiting. Chatbots help you engage with candidates by answering questions about the company and its culture. It even provides specific information about roles and responsibilities. They also help you identify top candidates based on certain preferences they’ve specified, such as location or salary range.

Predictive Analytics for Candidate Matching


Predictive analytics is an area where AI has revolutionized recruiting. Most forward-thinking business owners are researching what is perplexity in AI and how they can utilize it in their work. It allows recruiters to use historical data about past candidates’ performance on tests and other assessments, along with other factors like education level or years of experience. They use these assessments to predict how well they will perform in their new role at a company. The result ends with better matches for candidates and jobs.

Automated Sourcing and Outreach


Automated sourcing and outreach are two of the most exciting applications of AI in recruiting. These tools allow recruiters to generate a list of candidates that fit a specific job description and then use machine learning to find the best matches for these roles.


Recruiters can also use this technology to automatically reach out to people who might not have applied for the job but who may be interested in it. This is especially useful for companies that want to diversify their candidate pool.

Tips for Implementing AI in Recruiting


AI is a powerful tool for recruiting, but it’s not a replacement for humans. Before you start using AI to recruit new employees, make sure you have a strong grasp of the basics:


  • Start small: As you can see, you can use AI to automate many parts of the recruiting process — but avoid jumping in headfirst. Start small so you can get comfortable with how AI works and how to apply it in your business.


  • Train your recruiters: When implementing AI in your recruiting program, remember that it’s not about replacing humans with robots. Instead, it’s about prioritizing what each team member does best. That’s why it’s important to train your recruiters on all the tools available, so they know how best to utilize them.


  • Monitor performance and adjust: It will take some time before everything works smoothly. In fact, there will likely be some hiccups along the way. That’s why you must monitor performance closely and adjust as needed.

AI Is Changing the Way Companies Hire Today


AI has the potential to revolutionize the recruiting industry. You can use it to automate the process of finding candidates, and it can help companies make better hiring decisions. However, AI still has a way to go in recruiting before companies can fully benefit from this technology.


Still, AI has great potential for helping companies find and hire better employees. Therefore, now is the time to explore it in your business and discover the great lengths of where it will take you.




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Eleanor Hecks is editor-in-chief at Designerly Magazine. She was the creative director at a digital marketing agency before becoming a full-time freelance designer. Eleanor lives in Philly with her husband and pup, Bear.



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