Web Usability Series: Part 4 – Show me around

Hey gang, we’re back, and this time we’re tackling another aspect of web usability. This week’s topic: navigation and information retrieval – specifically, how to make that simple and easy. Before we get to that though, let’s discuss something...

Web Usability Series: Part 3 – Identify Yourself

Think of the these three things: a swoosh, a splash of red with a white curve, and golden arches. If you can identify the brands associated with these things, then you understand the power of colors, symbols, and other ways of establishing your identity. Wear your...

Web Usability Series: Part 1 – Keep it Simple

The multi-part Pepper guide to creating simple and elegant web pages that people will visit Most of the things we use daily are pretty simple. They’re so simple, in fact, that we barely give them a second thought. Take, for example, markers. We use them, as...

A Tidal Wave of Help, Support & Prayers for Japan

Let’s send another tidal wave to the shores of Japan, stronger and mightier than the one that wreaked havoc to the country. Let this be a tidal wave of support and prayers that will help them overcome the tragedy that has befallen them, and rebuild the lives and...

13 Ways To Green Up Your Workplace

“Paperless office” is a term that’s been around awhile. Plenty have adapted it, but some are still skeptical or daunted by the idea. “No paper? But how do we keep track of important documents?” “How do we let go of the old ways?” “How much would that cost...