13 Ways To Green Up Your Workplace

“Paperless office” is a term that’s been around awhile. Plenty have adapted it, but some are still skeptical or daunted by the idea. “No paper? But how do we keep track of important documents?” “How do we let go of the old ways?” “How much would that cost...

Are You Making These 5 Work-at-Home Mistakes?

A home business offers the ultimate in a flexible lifestyle where you can pursue your dreams and passions while balancing a happy home life. For all the merits of a work-at-home arrangement, it has its challenges, too. It’s important to steer clear of these five...
Secrets of Ideas that Stick

Secrets of Ideas that Stick

This story is a perfect example of what makes ideas stick. According to Chip and Dan Heath, authors of the book, Made To Stick, ideas that take hold actually follow some principles, all of which are captured in the Susan Boyle episode. Their book explains these principles in depth. It’s definitely worth a read.