What To Delegate To Your Virtual Assistant While You’re On Holiday Break

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Taking a break during the holiday season is important. It gives you an opportunity to spend time with your loved ones. Plus, it’s a chance for you to rest both your body and mind. A holiday break is what you need to prepare for the coming year.

Not all your clients are on break during the holidays. It’s business as usual for some. Delegating tasks to your virtual assistant will give you peace of mind while you’re gone. It gives you an assurance that your business is being taken care of.

Here are some tasks you can assign to your virtual assistant while you’re on a holiday break!

Email Management

Ask your virtual assistant to monitor your inbox while you’re gone. Being able to respond to client inquiries is important. According to research, 43% of clients expect a response from vendors within 24 hours. A prompt reply to your clients and business partners will keep them happy. It gives them an assurance that you can still cater to their needs even during the holidays.

Settle Balances 

Finalizing payments before the year ends is important. It’s a task that your virtual assistant can do for you. Ask them to settle the payments that you owe and chase the ones your clients owe you. Settling payments gives you a fresh start for the new year.

Send Greetings

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Greeting your clients is a good way to show appreciation. Ask your virtual assistant to send personalized greetings to your clients and business partners. It’s a good way to reassure your relationship with them. 

Assign Some of Your Tasks

It’s business as usual for some of your clients even during the holidays. They would expect the same from you. Ask your VA to cover some of your admin tasks for you. This would help you get more work done while you’re on vacation. It also avoids having a mountain of tasks when you come back from your vacation.

Plan for the New Year

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Proper planning is important for any business. A hangover from your vacation is not an excuse for a slow start come January. Get the assistance of your VA to plan things properly. Have them share their insights on how your business could do better for the coming year.

Having someone take care of your business while you’re on vacation is very important. It helps you to think less and relax more. Make sure to properly assign tasks to your VA so they would know what to do while you’re gone. And of course, make sure to show appreciation for their hard work. Reward them for the time and dedication they put into covering for you.

Our home-based virtual assistants can help you grow your business. Contact us to find out how we can work together!

Pepper Virtual Assistants is a business solutions firm that specializes in virtual administrative and personal assistance, online marketing, customer support, and copywriting. We are known for reliability through our managed services, responsive client handling backed by extensive training, and rockstar virtual assistants hired for their skills and expertise



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