Infographic: Generational Shifts

Infographic: Generational Shifts

It’s Friday once again and it’s time for another infographic! This week, we focused on generational shifts in the workplace. With Millennials and Gen Zs now making up a large portion of the workforce, it is important for business leaders like you to develop and...
How to Manage Millennial and Gen Z Employees

How to Manage Millennial and Gen Z Employees

The generational shift in the workplace is a significant matter business leaders and managers should focus on. With Millennials and Generation Zs making up most of today’s workforces, it’s necessary to develop and apply new and diverse employee management approaches....
How Millennial and Gen Z Employees Differ at Work

How Millennial and Gen Z Employees Differ at Work

The face of the workforce is definitely changing and the younger generations are taking over! Aside from Millennials, who are expected to account for 35% of the global workforce by 2020, Generation Z has also started to enter the workforce. It is, therefore, important...
Infographic: Blended Workforce

Infographic: Blended Workforce

Happy infographic Friday! To continue with our employee management blog series, we focused on blended workforce this week. This non-traditional staffing practice is about mixing full-time, in-house employees and part-time, contingent or gig workers in the workforce....