How to Make a Blended Workforce Work for Your Company

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More of today’s leading and forward-thinking companies no longer rely solely on conventional staffing practices. They now recognize the advantages of having a blended workforce. In order to stay relevant and competitive, it’s best if you also embrace this trend and build an inclusive organization.

Managing a blended workforce may be a bit challenging, but it can work wonders if done right! So long as teamwork is encouraged, your full-time employees and contingent or gig workers can work well together and make your business more productive and successful. Take note of these simple yet effective tips to make a blended workforce work for your company.

Hire Professional Freelance / Gig Workers

Numerous researches and surveys have revealed that the number of freelancers and companies that use gig workers continues to increase worldwide. With the proliferation of job search websites, finding a freelancer to work on a project or task for your company seems easy. However, this could be risky.

Avoid getting scammed by using legitimate sources or websites. It’s also best to connect with a reliable B2B company offering administrative, marketing, or virtual assistance services to ensure that you’re going to hire professional, trustworthy, and highly-trained remote workers. This will ensure that their collaboration with your full-time staff will be great.

Develop and Implement a Good Accountability System

According to a Partners in Leadership study, 91% of employees agree that accountability is a top developmental need in their company. This could be a bigger concern if you’re managing a blended workforce. This is why it’s important that you develop a good accountability system for both your internal and external employees.

Your accountability system should be applicable more particularly to your contingent/gig workers as they have more freedom and flexibility. Make sure you implement clear policies and guidelines, define responsibilities, and set realistic expectations to avoid misunderstanding and conflicts.

Promote Effective Communication

Open and active communication is essential so your full-time/regular employees and independent staff can work smoothly together. Encourage them to get to know each other and stay connected. With the help of various online tools, everyone will be able to communicate effectively and work together efficiently.

With effective communication, trust and respect will grow. You’ll have a more productive team and ultimately, a more successful business.

Value Your Core Employees and Freelancers

World-renowned author and motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, agrees with research indicating that the three prime needs of employees are: “Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.” To make a blended workforce work for your company, you should manage your employees with inclusivity.

Keep your core traditional employees intact while welcoming your freelance or independent workers. Show that you are grateful for their work and that you value them regardless of their classification. Two of the best ways that you can do this is by inviting all your employees to team meetings and company events and by rewarding them for a job well done.

Communication, accountability, professional workers, and inclusivity are keys to making a blended workforce work! Follow the tips we mentioned so your company can truly benefit from this non-traditional staffing practice. A blended workforce could be what you need to increase growth and success.

Our virtual assistants can be part of your blended workforce. Contact us to find out how we can work together!

Pepper Virtual Assistants is a business solutions firm that specializes in virtual administrative and personal assistance, online marketing, customer support, and copywriting. We are known for reliability through our managed services, responsive client handling backed by extensive training, and rockstar virtual assistants hired for their skills and expertise.




  1. Infographic: Blended Workforce - Pepper Virtual Assistants - […] on specialized skillsets, and others. Considering these benefits, we gave you some tips on How to Make a Blended…

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