Promoting Company Culture for Remote Teams

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With the technological advancements over the years, what seemed impossible in the work environment has become doable. From a regular office-based scenario, the transition to the remote workplace has become a global trend, and more companies are adapting to this change.

Working remotely has a number of benefits not only for the employees but also for the employers. It has simplified company operations, reduced costs, and increased overall productivity. In order to maintain the convenience, efficiency, and success in this set-up, a company must promote a positive culture.

Company culture holds the employees together and fosters collaboration that impacts the overall performance. According to research, 88% of employees believe a strong company culture is important to business success. A healthy work culture is linked to improved employee engagement.

Here are the tips on how to build a company culture for remote teams.


Set company core values

The core values are the essence of a company’s identity and principles which serve as a guide on the ways of working. It is important to explain the values clearly to the team to educate them of what the brand is about and to help them make the best decisions. Put the company values on the website or create an online employee handbook that will be distributed and discussed to the team. Accommodate questions from your team after the discussion and make them understand that these core values are the core pillars to guide them in their remote work moving forward.


Establish communication standards

Communication within the organization is always the key to success. With the team working in different locations and time zones, it is important to set communication standards to maintain an efficient and harmonious working environment.

  • Identify the official communication channels: There are a lot of available channels used in remote work such as Microsoft Teams, Webex conference calling, Zoom, Telegram, Whatsapp, Skype, etc. Be clear on the preferred tools to be used and ask the team to stay logged in during work hours for smooth and easy communication. It is also advisable to turn on notifications for instant updates.
  • Set a regular meeting schedule: A team that communicates regularly to accomplish a task achieves better results. Schedule a weekly team huddle at the start of the week to present the team’s current performance and to set expectations and targets. A one-on-one virtual meeting to each team member weekly is also advisable to clarify individual concerns and issues. Checking up on each employee, not just on their work progress, but also on their personal welfare also helps in establishing a stronger bond with your remote team. 


Recognize team members

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Studies show that only one in three American workers state that they received recognition for their efforts within the past week. Take note that recognizing your employees is a powerful way to promote positive company culture. An organization won’t be where it is currently without the workers, so it is important to highlight the achievements of the team to motivate and retain them. This can be done by providing rewards whenever employees meet or exceed the desired results. Another way is by sending a personalized message that details the impact of their achievement. Lastly, recognize and acknowledge their achievement and hard work on the company’s communication channels. Encourage the whole team to engage as well. This will make everyone feel more connected and will give them an opportunity to celebrate wins.          


Promote health and well-being  

Focusing on well-being empowers the team and promotes productivity in the organization. Working remotely also comes with pressure and challenges, that’s why work-life balance should be maintained to create a healthy working environment. Setting up a flexible work time would be helpful for as long as the outputs are being delivered. It would also be advisable to encourage the team to speak up and discuss if they have any concerns regarding their work or health. Show how the company cares by providing access to online fitness classes, support groups, and healthcare packages.                


Developing a company culture in a remote setting is a continuous process that involves time and hard work. It is very crucial to find ways on how to motivate, inspire, and empower the team to drive performance. Applying the steps in developing a positive company culture will not only help in achieving company success but also foster personal and professional development in each team member.


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