Chatbots are Poised to Drive Retail Sales in 2023

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The birth and rise of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots continue to have a huge impact on businesses of all sizes and industries. Aside from improving efficiency and productivity and increasing customer base, chatbots are also now poised to drive significant sales, most especially in the retail sector.

According to a Juniper Research study, retail sales from chatbot interactions will nearly double every year and is expected to reach $112 billion by 2023. This is great news if you own a retail company. So, if you haven’t experimented with chatbots yet, now’s probably the time to include this AI technology in your digital marketing strategy and overall business plan.

Why Chatbots Matter

As technology advances, the online behavior of consumers also changes. But most of today’s consumers – from Baby Boomers to Millennials – already recognize the potential benefits of chatbots. It is highly likely that your ideal retail customers have already encountered a chatbot. Therefore, making these automated helpers part of your workforce is worth considering. You can leverage chatbots to improve online customer experience. They can help you resolve customer service problems, answer queries, and make a sale!

With chatbots, you can also save time and money. Research shows that chatbots could save $8 billion per year worldwide by 2022. They can replace customer support agents and reduce customer interaction time, thus saving you money and increasing your business’ bottom line.

How to Use Chatbots to Increase Sales

By adding a messenger chatbot to your social media page or website, you can connect to your existing and potential customers in a more personal and interactive way. You’ll have an AI-driven customer service that can help you boost your sales.

Put your chatbot to work! Program it to welcome new customers, get to know customers by sharing interactive quizzes, assist customers regarding your latest products, reply to comments, and start conversations. Your chatbot can also run messaging split tests, prevent shopping cart abandonment, and directly sell your products. These could result in increased engagement, conversions, and profits!

Chatbots are not only changing and modernizing the face of customer service. They also bring numerous benefits to businesses. The forecasted growth in retail sales is an example that these AI features can help you manage your business and take it to the next level.

Our virtual assistants can help you implement your online marketing strategies. Contact us to find out how we can work together!

Pepper Virtual Assistants is a business solutions firm that specializes in virtual administrative and personal assistance, online marketing, customer support, and copywriting. We are known for reliability through our managed services, responsive client handling backed by extensive training, and rockstar virtual assistants hired for their skills and expertise.



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