How to Motivate Employees at the Start of the Year

Pepper Virtual Assistants Philippines How to Motivate Your Employees
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Getting back to work post-holidays can be a struggle. You can probably see it in the sluggishness of some of your employees. Others may be starting the year slow with low output.

As much as you want to cut them some slack, you still need your team to get back to being productive as it is vital to running and growing your business. So how can you get your team motivated and productive at the start of the year? Here are some time tried-and-tested ways!

Celebrate achievements

After long work days, employees love having their efforts recognized and their achievements celebrated. An innovative way to do this is to send a bouquet of flowers with BloomsyBox as a token of appreciation. Remember to take some time to recognize milestones and give special attention to your star employees. This will help motivate them to work harder and be more productive to consistently prove their worth.

Incentivize quality work

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to help motivate and boost employee productivity at the start of the year is by introducing incentives. Set up monthly or quarterly recognition meetings and reward those who have been showing stellar outputs. Include performance incentives into your salary packages so that your team knows what they can potentially expect. Gift certificates are also great rewards that can motivate your team.

If your staff feels appreciated, then they are more likely to stay loyal and motivated throughout the year. Find different employee rewards and recognition systems that fit within your budget and come up with an incentive scheme that works best for your team. Further, you can also provide bonuses such as additional vacation days or a company outing to keep your employees motivated and engaged.

Be more flexible                                      

Working nonstop for hours can be draining. It can even snuff out motivation and productivity. Encourage your team to take breaks between tasks for a quick breather. Stepping away from work for a couple of minutes can help reenergize and refresh your mind. Allow your employees more flexibility by allowing them to go out for walks, coffee breaks, and even work from home on some days!

Let them make decisions

Making major businesses decisions is something that businessmen do every day. The success of the company depends on these choices. Show your employees that you trust them to make the right calls by handing over the reins for minor decisions. Allowing them to call the shots not only hones their capabilities but also motivates them to make the right decisions for you!

Encourage new ideas

For many, the start of a new year is a chance to open new doors, seize new opportunities, and conceptualize new ideas. Instead of coming up with fresh ideas on your own, encourage your team to voice out their suggestions. Foster an environment that gives them the freedom to share their thoughts, create solutions, and build on the ideas of others. Ask questions, engage with your team, and listen to what they have to say.

Cultivating a productive mentality and boosting motivation in your employees can be a challenge especially right after the holidays. But it’s not impossible. Help your team kick the back-to-work blues with these tips and build a work environment that will drive them to create something great and work towards growth and success.

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Check out the other parts of our Employee Motivation series:

Pepper Virtual Assistants is a business solutions firm that specializes in virtual administrative and personal assistance, online marketing, customer support, and copywriting. We are known for reliability through our managed services, responsive client handling backed by extensive training, and rockstar virtual assistants hired for their skills and expertise.




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