How to Boost Employee Morale During Challenging Times

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The COVID-19 outbreak has been the subject of everyone’s attention for the past months. The continuous increase in confirmed cases and deaths, the threat of a global recession, and uncertainty on how long the crisis will last are affecting the morale of workers. Business leaders have to find ways to keep it together. So how can you boost your workers’ morale in times of crisis?

Here are some ways you can keep your team members’ spirits up during the Coronavirus pandemic and in any difficult situations.


Tighten Relationships 

People that have strong relationships become more resilient. They handle difficult situations better because of the bond they created. Employers and employees should work together to achieve a healthy relationship. The stronger your relationship is with your employees, the more resilient your business can be. Respect, care, and teamwork are essential in establishing strong relationships. 

Check on how they and their loved ones are doing while on quarantine, ask if there’s anything you can do to make the situation lighter for them, share the things that you do to keep you busy while on quarantine, etc. These are some of the stuff you can do to help ease the tension we all feel these days.


Consider Making Adjustments

Employers are encouraged to practice flexibility and empathy as workers are trying to cope up with the drastic changes happening. Showing value to the well-being of the people we work with is helpful in boosting the company morale, not just during this pandemic, but at all times. One study shows that 1 in 3 employees have quit a job because they feel their employer didn’t support their welfare. Employee engagement and productivity are also affected when workers feel that their managers don’t care about what they’re going through.

Although not all companies can implement a work from home setup, employers should consider making adjustments on certain policies. Team leaders have to trust their members when they say they’re ill and that they are showing symptoms. Lack of trust could risk infecting more people. Safety should be the top priority when making the needed changes to company policies while ensuring that workers remain productive.


Overcommunicate with Your Team

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Managers should always keep employees updated on the current situation and encourage them to engage in discussions. Talk about facts instead of spreading misinformation through rumors. Share some reliable sources to your team members. Remind them regularly on how everyone can stay safe and sound. 

As for business operations, ask questions on how to improve working conditions and encourage your employees to raise concerns and inquiries. Provide updates on any developments and how the company is addressing the challenges and the threats that the crisis brings.


Show Composure

It’s very important for leaders to remain calm and collected in trying times. Show your team members that you remain confident. Employees turn to their leaders when things get rough. We all know that handling the situation isn’t easy, but it’s important for you to manage your emotions. 

Assure your workers that operations will not be disrupted by presenting long-term plans ensuring continuity. If something urgent comes up, tell your team members right away and discuss how the situation should be addressed.


The fears that employees have won’t go away easily. But managers can help ease them the best way they can by doing the necessary steps. Our current situation, like any other crisis, is teaching us to look out more for each other and coordinate with one another to ensure safety and to boost everyone’s morale.


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