SEO Strategies For Legal Professionals On Reaching More Clients

If you're a lawyer, your clients are the people who pay your wages. They may go online to find tips on finding the right legal professional for their case. Thanks to Search Engine Optimization, you can make it easier for them to find you. In this article, we'll...

Employee Health: Investing In Your Team’s Well-Being And Why It Matters

A company's employees are its greatest asset, so they need looking after. There are practical ways to avoid workplace injuries and different healthcare options that can be provided. It's important to consider the physical and mental aspects of wellness. In this...

What Is Machine Learning? Essential Insights and Information

AI (Artificial Intelligence) has never been more relevant than it is today. It’s used by businesses around the world, as well as private individuals like students and writers. Its capabilities are endless, which is why it’s something almost everybody is actively...

How to Tow a Car: Everything You Need to Know in One Place

The summer traveling season is just around the corner. And with that comes long road trips, beach getaways, and camping adventures. If you're like most people, you have a trusty car that gets you from point A to point B. But what happens if your car breaks down in the...

Understanding the Benefits of a Golden Visa and How to Obtain One

Those who have heard of golden visa programs but do not find them very appealing are probably not aware of all of their benefits. Just imagine being able to obtain residency in a country that you've always been dreaming of, such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, and...

The Pepper Experience

Working with a virtual assistant always comes with a set of expectations. Every business owner who hires a VA goes into it with high hopes that their partnership will go as planned. They already envisioned streamlining their processes, delegating certain tasks, and...

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5 Best Practices for Email Unsubscribes

Email unsubscribes are inevitable. Every brand that’s into email marketing receives unsubscribe requests from their customers even big players like Amazon and eBay. So don’t panic if you get them, you’re not alone. People unsubscribe for a number of reasons. They...

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Social Media Trends for 2015

Social media is keeping its stronghold in the digital marketing arena. In fact, we’re pretty sure that social media marketing is getting a bigger budget this year in your marketing plan. To help execute your strategy better, we’re giving you a heads up on what to...

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Official Philippine Holidays 2015

Today we’re officially beginning the first work week of 2015 and here at Pepper, we couldn’t be more excited! We look forward to starting the year strong and finishing it on a high note. But before we even get things rolling, we’d like to send a special shoutout to...

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How to Create a Year-End Marketing Plan

We’re about to cap off the year and most of you are probably rushing to get things done before taking the holiday break. While it seems like the season for finishing deadlines and tying loose ends, it’s also the best time to plan for the coming year. It’s a good way...

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Measuring Social Media

Social Media still remains as the top tactic used by B2B marketers in their content marketing. In the 2015 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks and Trends report released by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), it showed that 92% of B2B marketers use social media...

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Yes, we’re still hiring!

The year is almost over and unlike most companies that are holding out on recruitment, here at Pepper WE’RE STILL HIRING! That’s great news for smart individuals like you and a growing business like us. We’re excited to add more talented individuals to our dynamic...

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